Private Harmonium and Mantra Chanting Sessions
Would you like to learn how to play harmonium or chant mantras, but are a bit shy about your voice? Private sessions help you to learn and go deeper into your practice, because you will work with you own pace and within your own threshold step by step.
Sometimes chanting can be a little bit difficult if you focus too much on the idea to have to have a superstar voice. But in chanting mantras, this is not the focus at all. It is important that you, only you, feel comfortable with your own voice and yourself. It is about feeling the sound and the vibration of the Sanskrit language in a pure and conscious way. Once you connect with your voice through your breath and your heart, everything else will come by itself naturally.
You do not live here in Berlin or cannot come and see in me in person? That is absolutely no problem! We can also proceed your session via ZOOM.